Waterberg – Nylsvley Nature Reserve

About the Birding

The expansive floodplain supports a plethora of interesting waterbird species including the largest breeding concentrations of Great Egret, Black Heron, Squacco Heron, and Black-crowned Night-heron in the country. All three bittern species – Great, Little and Dwarf – occur and breed here though sightings of these species are far from guaranteed. Other notable wetland species include the occasional Streaky-breasted Flufftail, Striped Crake, Lesser Moorhen, and Allen’s Gallinule; all of which are known to breed in wet years. Up to 15 species of duck and goose have been recorded including the African Pygmy Goose, White-backed Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck, and the Knob-billed Duck.

The surrounding thornveld and bushveld habitats are rich in species – even in dry years – supporting the Tinkling Cisticola, Bushveld Pipit, and as many as seven species of owl.

The hides at Vogelfontein are normally a highlight, especially during or just after flooding when thousands of waterfowl converge together with large flocks of storks and raptors. To reach Vogelfontein, turn right out of the main gate of the reserve, then right again just before the railway line. After a further 5km, turn right again and follow this road to a small parking area and the entrance to the hides. The entrance to the hides is locked so please enquire at the Nylsvley Reserve Office.

Two additional hides, overlooking the vast floodplain, are accessible inside the reserve. Birders should consult the map for the precise locations of each of these, noting that one of these hides is located in the wilderness areas of the reserve and can only be reached on foot (roughly 1-hr each way). The track to the hide goes through rich bushveld habitat and can be extremely rewarding in the early mornings.

About the Birding Site

The Nylsvley Floodplain, around which the Nylsvley Nature Reserve is centered, is the single largest and most intact seasonal floodplain in the country. When full, the floodplain extends over 16,000 hectares though only 10% of this area is protected within the Nylsvely Nature Reserve. Given its national importance as breeding habitat for waterfowl, the site was listed as a RAMSAR site in July 1998 boosting its protection. The site supports over 360 bird species, over 104 of which are waterbirds and many of these species breed locally. The floodplain is inundated every 2-4 years though remains a prime birding destination in drier years.

The expansive floodplain supports a plethora of interesting waterbird species including the largest breeding concentrations of Great Egret, Black Heron, Squacco Heron, and Black-crowned Night-heron in the country. All three bittern species – Great, Little and Dwarf – occur and breed here though sightings of these species are far from guaranteed. Other notable wetland species include the occasional Streaky-breasted Flufftail, Striped Crake, Lesser Moorhen, and Allen’s Gallinule; all of which are known to breed in wet years. Up to 15 species of duck and goose have been recorded including the African Pygmy Goose, White-backed Duck, Fulvous Whistling Duck, and the Knob-billed Duck.

The surrounding thornveld and bushveld habitats are rich in species – even in dry years – supporting the Tinkling Cisticola, Bushveld Pipit, and as many as seven species of owl.

Other Related Information

The reserve is accessed via the R101 between Modimolle and Mookgophong by taking the Boukenhout turning, the reserve gate is 8 km down this road on the left just after the railway line. The reserve is open from 06:00 to 18:00 daily and a nominal entrance fee is charged.

Contact details:
For further information, please contact the Limpopo Tourism and Parks Board on:
Tel: +27(0)15 290 7339
Email: info@golimpopo.com

Alternatively, please contact the Nyslvley Reserve using:
Tel: +27(0)14 743 1074
Website: www.nylsvley.co.za

Text prepared by:

Daniel Danckwerts (Rockjumper Birding Tours)

Other related information:


The easiest access to Addo Elephant National Park is from Port Elizabeth. To reach the Matyholweni Gate, take the N2 east from Port Elizabeth for 40km. The gate itself is located a few kilometres to the north of the small village of Colchester along a well sign-posted road. Alternatively, take the Motherwell off-ramp from the N2 and follow the R335 to the left for about 50Km to enter the main gate. The main gate is 70Km north of Port Elizabeth and 15km from Addo village.

Notable points of interest include the:

Addo Elephant National Park main gate: -33.4444, 25.7383
Addo Elephant National Park main camp: -33.4434, 25.7460
Bird hide at the main camp: -33.4443, 25.7470
Underground wildlife and bird viewing hide: -33.4453, 25.7465
Reserve entrance: -33.4416, 25.7506
PPC discovery trail: -33.4427, 25.74954
River Bend Lodge: -33.4260880119258, 25.75315138742868
Jack’s Picnic site: -33.5168, 25.7615
Spekboom tented camp: -33.5126, 25.7535
Matyholweni gate: -33.6804, 25.7992

The nearest towns to the main rest camp at Addo Elephant National Park are:
Addo: 16Km
Paterson: 27Km
Uitenhage: 55Km
Port Elizabeth: 70Km
Colchester: 41Km

Access and facilities:

Gate times vary seasonally (Apr-Sept: 06:00-18:00; Oct-Mar: 05:30-18:30), and standard national park conservation fees apply. Wild Cards are accepted for both day visitors and overnight stays. Note that accommodations are mostly of a self-catering nature, however there is a small restaurant and convenience shop at the main rest camp. Various shopping facilities are available in Port Elizabeth and the nearby villages of Colchester and Addo. A fuel station is provided at the main rest camp for your convenience, though it is advisable to top up in either Colchester or Addo prior to entering the park itself. A selection of activities are available through the lodges in Addo Elephant National Park including game drives, walking safaris, horse trails and elephant back safaris. However, self-driven tours are permissible.

Contact details:
Addo Elephant National Park
PO Box 52, Addo, 6105
Tel: +27 (0)42 233 8600
Fax: +27 (0)42 233 8643
Email: addoenquiries@sanparks.org

For more information, visit: www.addoelephantpark.com

For bookings, visit: www.sanparks.org

SANPARKS head office
Tel: +27 (0)12 426 5000

Eastern Cape Parks and Tourism Agency
17-25 Oxford Street
East London CBD
Tel: 043 492 0081
Email: info@ecpta.co.za

Recommended accommodation nearby:

The nearest Birder Friendly Establishment is within the Nytathi private concession of Addo Elephant National Park. Through River Bend Lodge, one has private access to over 14 000 hectares and over 332 species are known to occur in this section of the park. Guided birding activities are on offer. For more information, or to make a reservation, contact:

River Bend Lodge
Tel: +27 (0)42 233 8000
Fax: +27 (0)42 233 8028
Email: reservations@riverbendlodge.co.za


A range of self-catering accommodation options are available through SANPARKS, mainly at the Addo Main Camp and the Spekboom tented camp. Accommodation options include luxury guest houses, chalets, rondavels, and both caravan and camping sites. Gorah Elephant Camp offers high-end accommodation options, located in private concessions within the park and with limited access to standard Addo visitors.

To reserve accommodations at the main camp, contact:

SANPARKS reservations
Tel: +27 (0)12 428 9111
Fax: +27 (0)12 426 5500

Alternatively, to reserve accommodations at Gorah Elephant Camp, visit: https://gorah.hunterhotels.com/

Local guide information:

No local guides are currently available for Addo Elephant National Park, though a range of guided activities are available through the Main Camp and private lodges.

Text prepared by:

Daniel Danckwerts (Rockjumper Worldwide Birding Tours)

Key species:

Great and Dwarf Bittern, African Pygmy Goose, Fulvous Whistling and White-backed Ducks, Striped Crake, Allen’s Gallinule.

Contact details:

For further information, please contact the Limpopo Tourism and Parks Board on:
Tel: +27(0)15 290 7339
Email: info@golimpopo.com

Alternatively, please contact the Nyslvley reserve using:
Tel: +27(0)14 743 1074
Website: www.nylsvley.co.za