Community Bird Guide

Paul Nkhumane

Operating Areas:

Paul is based in the Waterberg but guides all over Limpopo. He is based close to a number of private reserves in the Waterberg as well as the ever-popular and prolific Nyslvley Nature Reserve. He is a particular expert in the birds of Woodbush Forest in Magoebaskloof.

Contact details:

Mobile: +27(0)84 354 9710


More about the guide:

Paul is one of the most popular bird guides in Limpopo with an effervescent personality and an immediately contagious laugh (see the video below!). He is based in the Waterberg but guides across the Limpopo Province, especially in the Magoebaskloof area for which he is well known. He offers guided birding walks to find specials such as Black-fronted Bush-shrike, Narina Trogon, Green Twinspot, Scaly-throated Honeyguide, Blue-mantled Crested Flycatcher, Knysna Turaco, Rufous-chested Sparrowhawk, White-starred Robin, Yellow-streaked Greenbul, Barrett’s Warbler, Orange Ground Thrush, Chorister Robin-chat and other forest specials.

Watch the Video about the Guide