Lakes Bird Club

More about the bird club:

The club was started in Sedgefield in 1988 and gradually expanded to include most of the garden route, apart from Plettenberg Bay, which have their own club. The present membership is 170 of which the majority are retired persons. We also have a few teenage members who are making names for themselves in the birding world.

We meet for a longish outing on the first Saturday of each month, apart from January (too many tourists) and have a shorter outing on the third Thursday morning of each month. In June, July and August these change to talks at St Francis at 2.30.p.m. our club has run a black oystercatcher breeding survey on various beaches in the area for 26 years. Members also take part in coordinated waterfowl counts on the Knysna lagoon twice a year (CWAC) and avifaunal road counts (CAR) in areas of the coastal plain and the little karoo twice a year. Many of our members are active bird atlassers for the SABAP2 project and some of the committee members sit on the various environmental forums with SANParks and cape nature in the garden route area.

We try to have a 3-4 days trip away once a year. We have a newsletter, the malachite which is produced three times a year and we have a Facebook and WhatsApp group as well. We try to keep an eye on new developments in this area to make sure they do not negatively impact the birdlife.

Membership options:

Ordinary member/Senior Citizen/Student: R 70 per annum (if BLSA member)
Ordinary member/Senior Citizen/Junior: R 85 per annum (if NOT BLSA Member)

Catchment area:

Knysna, Sedgefield, Wilderness, George, Little Brak, Great Brak, Hoekwil and Hansmoeskraal.

Contact details:

Pat Nurse - Chair
Mobile: +27 (0)82 402 6133 

Steve Gettliffe - Secretary/Treasurer
Mobile: +27 (0)82 785 6152 

Jenni Miller - Outings Secretary
Mobile: +27 (0)72 486 0733

Cecil Hiscock - Newsletter Editor
Mobile: +27 (0)82 855 3309

Meeting venue name:

St Francis United Church Hall, Sedgefield
GPS: -34.018859, 22.807807
Language: English