Free State (East) – Gumtree/Kirklington

About the Birding

Birds associated with the bushy, boulder-strewn hillsides include Mocking Cliff Chat, Cape Rock Thrush, Ground Woodpecker (which nests in holes in banks of erosion gullies), African Olive Pigeon, Layard’s Tit-babbler (Warbler), Cape Batis, Swee Waxbill and Streaky-headed Seedeater, while it is not unusual to encounter Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk where taller trees occur. Wailing Cisticola, Karoo Prinia, and Cape Grassbird prefer grassy areas on the slopes.

Red-throated Wryneck, Black-collared Barbet and Red-winged Starling are common. Bush Blackcap has also been observed in densely wooded valleys.

Raptors include mainly African Harrier Hawk, Lanner Falcon, Jackal Buzzard, Black-winged Kite, Lesser Kestrel and Amur Falcon (these two species in summer), while both European Honey Buzzard and Brown Snake Eagle have been observed on occasion.

On the farm Kirklington, large clumps of cultivated Aloe arborescens and other flowering species (e.g. watsonias and red-hot pokers) provide an all year nectar source for Malachite Sunbird (with numbers increasing in winter). Amethyst and Greater Double-collared Sunbird are also common throughout the year. On the surrounding hillsides, indigenous aloe species also provide an additional source of nectar for Malachite Sunbirds during summer. Rufous-eared Warbler and Northern Black Korhaan may be found in isolated areas where previously cultivated lands have been reclaimed by pioneer karroid scrub.

Key species:

Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk, Wailing Cisticola, Karoo Prinia, Cape Grassbird, Red-throated Wryneck, Cape Batis, Buch Blackcap, Swee Waxbill, Ground Woodpecker, Cape Rock Thrush

About the Birding Site

The Gumtree area is situated between Clocolan and Ficksburg in the eastern Free State. The area is characterized by flat-topped, sandstone outcrops so typical of this area, with wooded hillsides and more densely vegetated valleys. Extensive grassland areas are confined mainly to lower-lying areas and the flat-topped plateaus. Much of the area has been converted to cultivated lands.

Key species:

Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk, Wailing Cisticola, Karoo Prinia, Cape Grassbird, Red-throated Wryneck, Cape Batis, Buch Blackcap, Swee Waxbill, Ground Woodpecker, Cape Rock Thrush

Other Related Information

Gumtree is accessed via the R26 between Clocolan and Ficksburg. The turnoff to Kirklington farm is along the gravel road a few km north-west of Gumtree.
Nearby Ficksburg borders on Lesotho, with a busy border crossing on the outskirts of town. Ficksburg is an excellent place to launch trips into Lesotho, particularly in search of the high altitude specials (Refer to the Mafika Lisiu/Bokong Nature Reserve write-up in the Lesotho Highlands section).

Other related information:

GPS coordinates:
Turn off to Gumtree on the R26: 28°53’30.99″S, 27°43’29.89″E
Gumtree “village”: 28°52’2.94″S , 27°42’39.39″E
Entrance to Kirklington farm: 28°50’36.51″S, 27°41’46.09″E
Ficksburg: 28°52’28.17″S, 27°52’32.54″E
Clocolan: 28°54’30.37″S , 27°34’25.08″E

Recommended accommodation nearby:
No visitor facilities are available in the area, but all types of accommodation are available about 20 km away in Ficksburg and to a lesser extent in Clocolan (±20 km).

No Birder Friendly Establishments are currently available in the area.

Local guide information:
No Birder Friendly Tour Operators or local guides are currently available in the area.

Text prepared by:
Dawie de Swart
Martin Benadie

Key species:

Rufous-breasted Sparrowhawk, Wailing Cisticola, Karoo Prinia, Cape Grassbird, Red-throated Wryneck, Cape Batis, Buch Blackcap, Swee Waxbill, Ground Woodpecker, Cape Rock Thrush

Contact details:

The area is mainly private property and access to farms must be arranged beforehand. For assistance with the necessary arrangements for access, contact:

Dawie de Swardt
Tel: +27 (0)51 447 9609
Cell: +27 (0)83 638 1604