Durban and surrounds – Pigeon Valley Nature Reserve
About the Birding
Named after the Eastern Bronze-naped (Delegorgue’s) Pigeon, which was first collected here and described by Delegorgue in 1847, this small 10 hectare nature reserve within the very heart of Durban is widely regarded as one of KwaZulu-Natal’s premier birding destinations. The reserve protects a remnant area of the once extensive Stella bush, which historically covered large areas of the Berea. The vegetation represents climax coastal lowland forest including several magnificent tree species, especially he rare Natal Elm for which the reserve was initially proclaimed.
About the Birding Site
The eThekwini Metropolitan Area (Durban) is a major harbour city situated on the east coast of South Africa. It serves as the most accessible port of entry into the KwaZulu-Natal province with daily flights to all other major cities in South Africa, and further afield (e.g. Mauritius, Dubai). The city and surrounding towns are popular among holidaymakers, given the sub-tropical climate and extensive beaches along the rich waters of the Indian Ocean. Moreover, the city falls within a global biodiversity hotspot – the Maputaland-Pondolona-Albany (MPA) Hotspot.
Other Related Information
From Durban city centre, take the N3 and exist at the Tollgate/Ridge Road off-ramp. At the top, turn left into South Ridge Road and follow this road along the ridge for about 2km. Turn left into King George V Avenue and follow the signs to the right. The main entrance is off Princess Alice Avenue.
Notable points of interest include:
Main entrance: -29.8662, 30.9869
Key species:
Spotted Ground Thrush, Buff-spotted Flufftail, Green Malkoha, Green Twinspot
Contact details:
For more information, contact:
eThekwini Municipality
Tel: +27 (0)31 312 4466
Alt Tel: +27 (0)31 312 1919 / +27 (0)31 311 6716 / +27 (0)31 311 6717