Cape Bird Club

More about the bird club:

The Cape Bird Club was founded in 1948, making it the second oldest bird club in South Africa. It is also one of the largest bird clubs in the country (if not the largest), with the current membership standing at 566. A non-profit organisation, the club’s mission is to promote the knowledge and enjoyment of birds and their environment; to support and participate in the conservation of birds and their habitats; and to educate both young and old about the value and beauty of birds and nature in general.

The Cape Bird Club is a vibrant and active club, having regular monthly meetings and at least three field outings per month. We also hold birdwatching camps for members at a variety of venues, and both local and international birding trips have been organised. Courses on different aspects of birds and birding are presented for the enjoyment and education of our members.

Many club members participate in citizen science activities such as atlassing and bird ringing, and the club leads a number of regular bird counts at important and sensitive sites to provide data that informs research and conservation projects.

Much of the club’s active conservation work is focused on the False Bay Ecology Park, especially the Strandfontein Birding Area. But, we also provide empirical input, data, and financial support to other conservation initiatives in the region, often in partnership with other stakeholders such as Nature Connect (formerly CTEET) and the City of Cape Town.

Outreach initiatives are undertaken by the club’s Education Programme, which targets youngsters from under-resourced communities, introducing them to the wonders of nature through workshops, field outings, and camps.
Our Mentorship Programme brings aspirant young birders together with older experienced birders, to grow the young birders’ knowledge and appreciation of birds and birding.

Membership options:

Individual: R320 (plus spouse +R115)
Senior Citizen: R240
Student: R230
Student under 18: free

Catchment area:

The Western Cape.

Contact details:

Mike Buckham – Chair
Mobile: +27 83 462 9220

Linda Merrett – Membership Secretary
Mobile: +27 83 584 7250

Meeting venue name:

The Nassau Auditorium, Groote Schuur High School, Palmyra Road, Newlands, Cape Town